Do Air Purifiers Cause Sinus Problems

Air Purifiers Cause Sinus Problems?-(Facts explained)

What are sinuses?

The sinuses are four paired cavities (spaces) in the head. They are connecting by narrow channels. The sinuses making thin mucus that drains out of the channels of the nose. The growing of each sinus is variable. Therefore, each of our sinuses is different in size and shape. This variation depends upon individual genes, just as we all have different fingerprints. In fact, in each individual, the right and left sinuses are generally different in size and shape.

  • The ethmoidal sinuses are located between your eyes.
  • The maxillary sinuses are located below your eyes.
  • The sphenoidal sinuses are located behind your eyes.
  • The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes.

Symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • a yellow or green discharge from your nose
  • a blockage of the nose
  • pain and tenderness around your forehead, cheeks or eyes, 
  • a sinus headache
  • a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or more
  • toothache

Do Air Purifiers Cause Sinus Problems?

Yes, air purifiers cause sinus problems.

 there are a few things you can do to check If you think your air purifier might be causing your sinus problems.

  • Check the filter

it may not be working properly and could be releasing pollutants back into the fresh air If the filter is dirty. There is a lot of debate surrounding whether or not air purifiers causing breathing problems. However, there is no scientific evidence to supporting this claim. Some people believe that the constant streaming of purified air can dry out the mucous membranes in your nose and throat, lead to sinus infections. 

  • Check the level of humidity

 it could be causing your sinus problems, If the air in your home is too dry. You can buy a hygrometer to measuring the humidity level in your home. In fact, air purifiers may actually help for improving your breathing by getting rid of allergens and other harmful particles that can aggravating your respiratory system. If you are concerning about the potential for air purifiers to causing breathing problems, talk to your doctor about the best type of air filter for your needs.

  • Move the air purifier away from you.

  it can become a breeding ground for allergens and other bacteria and viruses. additionally, if an air purifier is not properly cleaned. If you have an air purifier that’s blowing directly on you, try moving it away from you to see if that helps. Some people believing that the high-powered fans of air purifiers can actually worsen nasal congestion. This is because the fans can blowing irritants and allergens around the room, which can causing more problems than they solve. So does this mean that air purifiers are bad for your sensitive sinuses? Not necessarily, While air purifiers may not be the best solution for everyone, they would be helpful for some people.

  • Stop using the air purifier.

If you suspecting that your air purifier is causing your sinus problems, the best thing to do is to stop using it and see if your symptoms improve. In many cases, sinusitis is brought on by bacterial infections that cause sinus tissue to become sensitive and inflamed. Other causes can include mold and viruses. Where air purifiers really come into play, though, is when sinus problems are caused by seasonal allergies. There are many factors that can contributing to sinus problems, including:

  1. Allergies
  2. Asthma
  3. Viruses or bacteria
  4. Environmental pollutants
  5. Climate and weather conditions
  6. Hormonal changes
  7. Stress

air purifiers cause breathing problems.

Do air purifiers dry out sinuses?

The inflammation is causing within the cavities of your skull. This can be treated throughout medication or some external meaning like salt lamps and air purifiers. However, there is a misconception that purifying devices trigger the sinus. Air purifiers are often used more in the winter as a replacement for ventilation. However, cold winter air is naturally dry. Therefore, the air purifier is not the causing of drier air. If you feeling like the airflow in your room is contributing to a feeling of dry air, it could be because your air purifier is set to a fan speed that is too high for your comfort. Additionally, the air purifier could be too good for the room you are using it in. This can be causing when your room is small while the purifier is designed for large rooms.


Is an air purifier good for the sinus?

yes, if you are experiencing facial pain, chronic cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, or mucus dripping down the throat. The chances are you are suffering from acute sinusitis. A large population is not even awaring of the problems bogging them. If not treated in time, it can jeopardize your productivity at work and make you feel drained. you might want to get to the bottom of the problem. Often, the quality of the air you breathing directly affecting on your sinus, and it is just possible that the air in your bedroom isn’t as clear as it should be. Micro-pollutants in the air can irritating your nose and trigger your sinus. This can leading to frustrating nasal congestion and sleepless nights. While everyone can have a different reaction to different air pollutants, people with breathing problems will facing more trouble dealing with them if not treating at the right time. It is also important to know every pollutant before treating or having a solution. It may leading to significant breathing and coughing issues, or rather a complete blockage of the windpipes.  

Modern air purifiers are equipped with the latest technologies and can be great for ensuring the purity of air within our homes. It can easily removing allergens and pollutants, such as pollen, smoke dust, dander, etc., from the air around us. Moreover, owing to the active air purification technologies, many air purifiers are also capable of neutralizing harmful bacteria and viruses present in the air. Especially the air purifiers within a 6-stage filtration mechanism can trap particles above the limit of 0.3 microns (mm) without any problems.

 If you already have a high-quality air purifier and you’re noticing sinus problems, there are a few possible reasons for this:

  • Not vacuume your carpet.
  • You have dusty furniture or a fan
  •  when You’re sitting too close to the machine
  • The air purifier sits in the wrong location


Can air purifiers cause breathing problems?

No,  Air Purifiers don’t make breathing worse for a person; in fact, air purifiers help to reduce exposure to environmental triggers. We all know that air pollution is becoming a dangerous hazard for people these days by creating breathing problems. While everyone reacting differently to air pollution, people with respiratory illnesses will often have more trouble dealing with the problem. In many cases, asthma attacking are triggered by poor air quality, both indoors and out. We may not think of it, but there are numerous air contaminants that are found in our homes, and many of these can trigger asthma attacks. It may cause significant breathing, coughing issues, or even a complete blockage of the windpipes. asthma, for example, is often made worse by air pollution. There are classic culprits like cigarette smoke, but many homes still use air fresheners or candles that might smell pleasant but can add pollutants to the air, pollutants that can trigger an asthma attack.

Air purifiers can removing a wide ranging of contaminants from the air, the exact same contaminants that are aggravating your respiratory issues. You’ll obviously want to identifying which contaminants are aggravating your respiratory problem, but you can find air purifiers designed to eliminating airborne pollen, smoke, pet dander, volatile organic compounds, and mold spores.

other factors that may cause sinus problems besides air purifiers are


Allergies occuring when your body’s immune system overreacting to foreign substances, such as food, pollen, or chemicals. it can causing more problems than the substance itself, leading to irritated eyes, runny noses, problems breathing, rashes, and more, When the immune system attacking a substance needlessly or excessively.


According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, asthma is the most common form of respiratory disease, affected roughly 25 million people in the United States, including seven million children.

 This is because it cause breathing difficulties in different ways, including squeezing from the outside of the windpipe and a narrowing of the airway’s interior. This disease often begining in childhood and is made worse by pollutants in the air, including smoke and pollen.

Lung Cancer

While allergies may be more common, lung cancer is possibly the most frightening of all respiratory diseases. Anyone who has dealing with cancer in any form understands that this can be a life-threatening condition and challenging, and treatments alone can be extremely difficult to handle.


is An Air Purifiers Cause Nosebleeds?

Some people have reporting with nosebleeds after using an air purifier for a time. Studies have shown Nosebleeds can happening from dry air in the home and also from Sinusitis.

Can Air Purifiers Cause A Sore Throat?

Recent researchers has shown that a sore throat can be caused by smoking, irritants or pollution in the air, allergies, and even dry air. Although, there is a chance air purifiers can cause a sore throat.

Do air purifiers help with sinus headaches?

Yes, air purifiers with HEPA and carbon filters removing pollen and allergen from indoor air. So, you will get reliefing from sinus problems and headaches for sure.


 A dirty air purifier will have reducing performance, so it might cause a burning and soring sensation with drier air. Therefore, we recommended you maintaining and clean your air purifier properly to enjoy the best outcoming from it. Also, you should buying a high-quality and reputable air purifier to enjoying the healthiest air. All-in-all, an air purifier will help providing your office or home with clean, fresh air, removing toxins and pollutants that irritating many lung problems. 

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